she usually (eats apples before going to sleep) in the evening(括号提问)

she usually (eats apples before going to sleep) in the evening(括号提问)
()()she usually ()()()()()in the evening.
英语人气:311 ℃时间:2019-08-19 12:33:04
She usually (eats apples) before going to sleep in the evening.(括号提问)
(What)(does)she usually (do)(before)(going)(to)(sleep) in the evening.
她晚上睡觉前通常做什么?going to sleep在括号内,问问题的时候未知,能用?规则的确是这样,但这道题把行为和时间状语都放进括号内,明显是提问得不合理的。另外,在问句中do的后面正好又多出4个空来,这不是巧合。只能说这道题出题不严谨,这道题的答案只能是这样填的了。谢谢,再问一下to the library是哪个的回答?what did you do last weekend\how did you spend your weekend\where die you go last weekend.为什么?如果只有这三个词的话,应该是最后一个问句。只看得出是说地点的。
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