
Corporate recruiters spend four to five minutes carefullyscrutinizing every resume that hits their desk — at least,that’s whatthey say.But when jobssite TheLadders set upeye-tracking software to record recruiters’ behavior,they found thatheadhunters spend a stunning six seconds on their initial evaluation of aresume.Here are mistakes to avoid in order to make those seconds count.
Your whole life story.“All they’re looking at in the beginning is a couple of primary things,” saysJohn Challenger,CEO of executive search firm Challenger Gray & Christmas.A hiring manager wants to know what your last couple of jobs were,when you worked there and if the skills you acquired fit with the positionthey’re trying to fill,so that’s what you need your resume to communicate —not your life story.Challenger also suggests having a second,more detailedresumé you can hand a hiring manager that gets more into the nitty-gritty onceyou land the interview.
英语人气:305 ℃时间:2020-01-29 05:17:20
企业招聘人员花费4到五分钟仔细审阅每击中自己的办公桌的简历 - 至少这就是他们说的.但是,当工作现场的梯子设立眼球追踪软件来记录招聘人员的行为,他们发现,猎头花费惊人6秒上都SUME他们的初步评估.你的整个人生故事...
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