人生是一次漫长的旅行,只有不断结识新的朋友,旅程才不会孤单.用英语怎么说 还有关于朋友的名言!

人生是一次漫长的旅行,只有不断结识新的朋友,旅程才不会孤单.用英语怎么说 还有关于朋友的名言!

英语人气:924 ℃时间:2019-08-19 02:28:06
Life is a long trip, and only continue to meet new friends, the journey is not alone.

the pain tell your close friends, the pain will be cut in half; bring happiness to share with your friends, happiness will be one divides into two. The function of friendship is so magical! -- Bacon

If you have an apple, I have an apple, and exchange, then each have an apple. If you have an idea, I have an idea, communicate with each other, each of us will have two ideas, or even more than two kinds of thoughts. -- Bernard Shaw

仁爱的话,仁爱的诺言,嘴上说起来是容易的,只有在患难的时候,才能看见朋友的真心. ──克雷洛夫
I love it, love promise, saying it is easy, only in times of distress, to see a friend indeed. -- Krylov



Do not rely on gifts to get a friend. You have to contribute your love love, learn how to win a man's heart through appropriate ways. -- Socrates
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