1.Dose,used ;people为主语,Chinese为宾语,将主宾调换位置,动词use变为被动 used
2.wasn't,visited,by;They是主语 visit是动词 the city是宾语
3.were,made;you是主语 make是动词 them是宾语
4.has ,seen,her
5.did,paint ,trees
8.was,took care
1.Do people use Chinese only in China?
1.______Chinese _____only in china?
2.They didn't visit the city two years ago.
2.The city _____ _____ _____them two years ago.
3.Where did you make them
3.Where _____they ______?
4.She was seen to come out of the library by him.
4.He _____ ______ ______ out of the library.
5.When are trees often pianted?
5.When ____people often _____ _____?
6.The League was founded in Guangzhou in 1922.
6._____ ______ _____ ______ the League _____?
7.Did the students wear the school clothes a lot
7._____the school clothes ______ a lot?
8.Kate.took good care of the baby yesterday evening.
8.The baby ______ ______ _____well by Kate yesterday evening.
9.His aunt bought nim a bicycle.
9.A bicycle _____ _______ ______him by his aunt.
1.Do people use Chinese only in China?
1.______Chinese _____only in china?
2.They didn't visit the city two years ago.
2.The city _____ _____ _____them two years ago.
3.Where did you make them
3.Where _____they ______?
4.She was seen to come out of the library by him.
4.He _____ ______ ______ out of the library.
5.When are trees often pianted?
5.When ____people often _____ _____?
6.The League was founded in Guangzhou in 1922.
6._____ ______ _____ ______ the League _____?
7.Did the students wear the school clothes a lot
7._____the school clothes ______ a lot?
8.Kate.took good care of the baby yesterday evening.
8.The baby ______ ______ _____well by Kate yesterday evening.
9.His aunt bought nim a bicycle.
9.A bicycle _____ _______ ______him by his aunt.
英语人气:951 ℃时间:2019-12-31 08:12:26
- 1.May I ask you some questions?----No,____.
- 几道初中英语题求解!
- 1.The price of the house will go down,I s____.(料想,推想)
- 1.Oxford,as we know,___is one of the best universities in the world
- There is a s_____ on apples tomorrow.
- 1)HClO中的ClO是次氯酸根吗?
- He attempted ____ to set up a company of his own.
- 下面的语段中有两个病句,请把他们找出来并加以改正
- 分离几种分子量大于20000的蛋白质,应选用什么型号的葡聚糖凝胶,具体操作是怎样的?
- 设A=(1 2),B=(-1 3),I是单位矩阵,则AtB-I=?
- 铜在空气中生成铜绿的现象
- 当缓冲溶液的总浓度一定时,缓冲比为( )时,缓冲能力越大
- 1中辣 微辣 特辣用英语怎么说
- 2甲乙两车同时从A地开往B地.当甲车行完全程的一半时,乙车离B地还有54千米,当甲车到达B地时,乙车行了全程的80%.AB两地相距多少千米?
- 3一块三角形稻田的面积是90m2,底是60m,它的高是多少米
- 4铜在潮湿的空气中表面变绿是否属于化学变化
- 5什么是污水处理,污水处理包括哪些类型?
- 6《朝花夕拾》,《骆驼祥子》,《钢铁是怎样炼成的》好段摘抄!300字!
- 7测大约20克的酒精体积,应选用25mL的量筒还是50mL的?
- 8已知关于x的一元二次方程4(x+m)的平方+4m-2=0的常数项为0,则关于x的一元二次方程的一般形式是——————
- 9化简求值:(x+1分之1-x-1分之x)÷x²-1分之1.其中x=2.
- 10too much ,too many,much too 的区别?
- 11雕梁画栋 巧夺天工 古色古香 余音绕梁 脍炙人口 曲高和寡 妙笔生花.笔走龙蛇.阳春白雪 分类
- 12英语翻译