
Living in the city has both advantage and disadvantage.In one hand,it is often easier to find a job.There are choice of transportation.besides,in a big city,you can go to the cineme,opera and restruant whenerer you want to relax.However,the air pollution is serious and traffic jam is a usual things while there are many cars.Walk as you in the street,you can always find that street is too crowd noisy and dirty.What's more,you can't have a good time
unless you have a high-paid job.
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英语人气:865 ℃时间:2020-05-10 22:15:16
Living in the city has both advantages and disadvantages.In one hand,it is usually easier to find a job in the city and there are many means of transport that you can choose from.Besides,by living in a big city,you can go to the movies,operas and resturants whenever you want to relax.However,air pollution and frequent traffic jams are the byproducts of the conveniences provided by driving your own car.And when you walk on the street,you will always find the street to be overly crowded,noisy and dirty.What's more,you can't have a good time unless you have a high-paid job.
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