
This unit of mass has not been given a special name.
The International System of Units(SI) is an absolute system.The base units are the meter,the kilogram(for mass),and the second.The unit of force is derived using Newton's second law and is called the newton to distinguish it from the kilogram,which,as indicated,is the unit of mass.The units constituting the newton(N) are .(公式)…
The weight of an object is the force exerted upon it by gravity.Designating the weight as W and the acceleration due to gravity as g,we have W=mg
In the fps system,standard gravity is g=32.1740ft/s^2.For most cases this is rounded off to 32.2.Thus the weight of a mass of 1 slug in the fps system is
W=mg=(1 slug)(32.2ft/s)=32.2lb
In the ips system,standard gravity is 386.088 or about 386 in/s^2.Thus,in this system,a unit mass weighs
With SI units,standard gravity is 9.806 or about 9.80 m/s^2.Thus,the weight of a 1-kg mass is
In view of the fact that weight is the force of gravity acting upon a mass,the following quotation is pertinent:
英语人气:454 ℃时间:2020-05-09 15:16:45
质量这个单位没有被赋予一个特别的名字.单位( SI )的国际体系是一个绝对的系统.的基本单位是米,则公斤(大规模) ,和力的第二.单元使用牛顿第二定律导出,并被称为牛顿从公斤,其中,如图所示,是质量的单位区分它.构...
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